InMobi Deals Platform & Design System
Design Specializations: 
B2B, Responsive Web, User Research, Design Systems
The Challenge
InMobi suffered from repetitive development cycles to fix usability and technical issues with products that were not meeting user expectations. The new Deals Platform needed to avoid these issues.
The Solution
I built the business’s first Product Design team and implemented processes that put more focus on user needs, thoughtful user flows, and modernized UI. We used these processes to design a beta version of the company’s first self-serve product for demand side customers, the Deals Platform.
My Roles
I managed a globally distributed Product Design team, overseeing all UX/UI and research.
Ad agencies rely on InMobi’s targeting for their biggest brands.
Existing in the highly complex and technical adtech industry, InMobi has enjoyed immense success by prioritizing speedy output from engineers. However, widespread bugs and confusing user experiences were becoming all too common.
Introducing Design Process to InMobi
This resulted in product managers, engineers, account managers, and product marketers often scrambling to identify and fix issues affecting customers. The company’s focus on engineering output was creating more work for everyone.

To address this, my team introduced new processes that more clearly defined project goals and reduced the need for adhoc fixes. Instead of relying solely on requirements documents, we began collaboratively documenting hypotheses and problem statements, running user journey workshops, conducting user research, and defining QA processes for every project.
Deals list page on InMobi Deals Platform shown on a computer, tablet, and mobile device.
Design Process Documentation
Friction For The Business & Customers
My team's highlight project was creating a new platform for customers to manage their ad deals. Before this, customers had no opportunity to create or edit deals themselves, leading to a lengthy process involving multiple InMobi employees.
The Old Way of Managing Deals
Customers would work with InMobi account managers to determine ad inventory that they wanted to target in their deal. Then the account manager would log a request in Salesforce and send it to an engineer who would create or update the deal. This process could take as much as three days to complete, which was often far too long for our customers.
Goals For The New Platform
Our primary goal was to create a product that would eliminate this three day turnaround time and allow customers to instantaneously manage their deals.
To remove the risk of ambiguity that comes with new product development, we started with user research. We partnered with account managers to recruit real customers for hour-long remote interviews that I facilitated. This guided us to uncover three key user needs, which became UX priorities.
I conducted remote interviews with customers to uncover their needs and pain points.
Participant’s appearance is obscured for privacy.
Key User Needs
Granular Targeting Options
Customers valued InMobi’s unique ability to create highly customizable targeting for ad deals, so our product had to present extensive targeting options without overwhelming or confusing users.
Inventory Recommendations
Customers believed that no one knew InMobi's ad inventory better than InMobi. They expected InMobi to provide tailored recommendations for revenue-driving inventory.
Speed & Ease of Use
Customers complained that some competitor products were slow and difficult to use. Speed and ease of use when creating deals was seen as a basic requirement.
Quotes from User Research:
“If we have the option to target what we need fast, for sure we’ll increase spends.”
“Sometimes clients have budgets remaining at the end of the month or quarter and they need to get rid of them today."
“I have to open it and it takes 2 days. This opportunity is gone. If I can go and open it myself, obviously it saves time.”
“If it’s user friendly, we’re going to use it more”
User Roles & Permissions
For our beta launch, the Deals Platform needed to serve 4 user roles that we used as loose personas. Each role was given specific permissions, based on what that person needed to accomplish in the product.
A smiling woman
Customers were the most important user role. These users were employees of DSPs (Demand Side Platforms) that needed to quickly set up or edit deals.

They were given permission to view, create, and edit deals, but some non-essential targeting and deal setup controls were not visible to them. These controls were reserved for InMobi employees because they were either technical or only applied to InMobi's internal deal tracking.
A smiling man
Internal Admin
A few InMobi users on the Solutions Engineering team were given this user role. To preserve a closed beta phase, only they had permission to create new accounts, invite users, and delete deals. They also had the ability to view all accounts via an account switcher feature.
A smiling woman
Internal Editor
InMobi Account Managers and AdOps members were given permission the same permissions as customers, but with all targeting and deal setup controls. This allowed them to fully assist customers, if needed.
A smiling man
Internal Viewer
Some employees at InMobi would benefit from viewing existing deals, but had no need to create or edit. Special view-only flows were created for them.
User Flows
We began by designing the most foundational user flows for the Beta: creating new deals, creating deals with recommended inventory (Called “Curated Packages”), and editing deals.

"Create New Deal" flows were validated flows with a usability study with internal users.
A highly abbreviated user flow example is shown here.
Download the full user flow to see all details and pathways.
Card Sorting to Organize Fields
To ensure our targeting options were organized intuitively, we ran card sorting exercises with users. This helped us organize 32 targeting fields into 5 logical categories: Geography, Inventory, Audiences, Device Settings, and Integrations.
Design System Revamp
InMobi’s design system, Chromos, is powerful and expansive, supporting the UX/UI for five B2B and internal products. However, it was also a hodgepodge of disconnected codebases, incomplete or inaccurate documentation, accessibility issues, and underwhelming usability. Additionally, the system had a robust set of components, color tokens, and font tokens, but many of them lacked specific use-cases, resulting in unnecessary bloat.

It was overdue for cleanup.
We began by documenting what components existed, which of 3 codebases they lived in, and whether they had design documentation. In order to create a single source of truth, we migrated components from scattered Zeplin and Sketch files to Figma.
Modified or New Components
Modified or New Color Tokens
Modified or New Icons
New Font Tokens

Bringing Updates to Existing Products
We used design system updates as a foundation to rethink what our products could achieve for users. For instance, we re-conceptualized the Home page of our product for app developers with a greater focus on their performance data and marketing of new features.
Let's work together!
I use proven processes to help product design teams align user needs to business goals.
I can be reached at
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